Half Day City Tour


A suggestive walk starts from the Cathedral Square, with the visit at the homonymous church and the archaeological provincial ‘Francesco Ribezzo’ Museum (where a collection of Roman findings is displayed); the ‘Portico of the Knights Templars’ precedes the museum’s entrance.

The church, consecrated by Pope Urbano II in 1089, was strongly damaged by the earthquake in 1743 and later rebuilt following the Romanesque planimetry of the Basilica with the nave and the two aisles, without transept. In the chapel dedicated to Saint Theodore of Amasea, patron of the city together with Saint Laurence, the martyr’s remains are kept. Heading towards the bell tower of the cathedral (to whose right the seminary and the attached episcopal palace rise) you will recognize the terrace with the Roman Columns, seen as the only memory of the great prestige of the Roman Brindisi, that probably were indicating the end of the Via Appia.

Walking along Viale Regina Elena, which runs along the side of our amazing port, you will reach Saint Theresa Square and then Saint Paul Square with the homonymous church. This last dates back to 1322 and inside you can admire many baroque altars and some pieces of Angevin frescoes.

The Swabian Castle, built in 1227 by Frederick II and today used by the Navy as Headquarters, and the Temple of Saint John Sepulchre rise in the immediate area. The temple was built at the end of the XI century by the Knights Templars. The Early Christian construction presents a portal full of relieves. The final stop of this tour will be ‘Le Sciabbiche’ district, previously known as ‘the fishermen neighbourhood’; and not without reason, here you will discover many interesting restaurants where to enjoy a lunch based on our typical seafood and other local products.

Le Colonne Viaggi srls – www.lecolonneviaggi.com

Corso Roma 64 – 72100 Brindisi – Telefono 0039 0831 1591944

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